Women power in the
Special mechanical engineering

Women power in the
Special mechanical engineering

Male and female professions?
PROWIN A+W supports stereotype-free career!

28. April 2022


Every year, Girls’Day enables female students to choose from a wide range of training opportunities and courses of study and to gain interesting and helpful practical experience. Schoolgirls from the 5th grade have the
Opportunity to get to know professions in which women have so far been rather rare. At PROWIN A+W, girls and young women have the opportunity to immerse themselves in exciting topics related to industrial special mechanical engineering.

Women power in special mechanical engineering

We would like to offer girls and young women the opportunity to get to know our occupational profiles better and, in doing so, encourage their interest in technical apprenticeships.

On Girls’ Day, we give you an insight into the planning, development and production of our special machines and production facilities and familiarize you with the areas of responsibility of exciting apprenticeships as:

  • Electronics technician for automation technology
  • Mechatronics engineer
  • Technical product designer

Your turn!

In different stations you can prove your technical skills and complete your very own project and take it home at the end – be curious!

Register now for the Girls’ Day offer and spend an exciting day in special mechanical engineering!

And the best part:

Du bekommst am Girls´Day einfach einen Tag schulfrei 😉 aYou simply get a day off school on Girls’Day 😉
Even if your school does not actively support the campaign, you can register for our offer and receive an official school exemption.

For safety reasons, please bring sturdy shoes!