Exciting insights around technology, automation, innovation and PROWIN A+W Automationstechnik GmbH.
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Get your VIP ticket now and get to know the exciting world of special machine construction. At our company location in Jahrdorf, the most modern machines in the industry are created and you have the opportunity to look behind the scenes for a day.
Caravan side wall machining
The system for processing caravan sidewalls glues small sheet metal plates to predefined positions on the interior side walls of caravans. To do this, an adhesive is first…
Girl’s Day at PROWIN A+W
On Girl’s Day, we enable young schoolgirls to immerse themselves in the exciting world of special mechanical engineering and learn about a variety of technical apprenticeships.
Full speed ahead into the mobility revolution
On the shop floor at A + W Automationstechnik GmbH in Hauzenberg, HELUKABEL Area Sales Manager Günter Ehrentreich (right) in converses with Prowin Managing…
Bin Picking – Production in Progress
The state-of-the-art bin picking cell transforms complex industrial processes by introducing intelligent robotics. Will digital technologies change our jobs? Hopefully!
Giving life a second chance
“Teststicks in – be a donor”.
It’s actually as simple as it sounds, reports Jonas Braun. The 25-year-old from Obernzell and employee of…
Assembly line for rear axle differentials
The fully automatic pre-assembly of the shims relieves the operator of monotonous and physically demanding work. This…
European Championship Contest
Due to the Corona pandemic, the UEFA European Football Championship was postponed by one year – to 2021. On June 11, 2021, the starting whistle blew for the European Football Championship in Rome…
They rock their career!
They rock their career! PROWIN A+W welcomes four new team members. The perfect start to your professional future…
Universal Hot Embedding – Highly Flexible & Short Cycle Times
The fully automatic assembly of plastic carrier plates with a glass fiber content of 60% is carried out in two independent stations. Das Bauteilhandling…
Success project: master thesis
The aim of this project is to develop a magnetic safety coupling specifically designed for use in manually operated machinery and plant areas for personal protection applications, as well as to lay the foundations for CE certification and…
Automated assembly line for constant velocity sliding joints
The fully automated assembly line produces around 9000 constant velocity joints per day. In the process, the total of seven robots take over both…
Winter Challenge 2021 at PROWIN A+W
A time that will probably go down in history as the Corona Winter 2020. For the employees of PROWIN A+W, it was the first winter in which the…
Efficient (un)loading through man-robot cooperation
The innovative use of latest safety technology makes it possible to realize an open design for the entire workspace of our automatic loading cell.